I've been asked several times why I decided to self-publish Lunch with a Sociopath on Amazon.com rather than go the traditional publishing route. The answer is two-fold.
First, I am a nobody. Nobodies don't get published unless they have connections in the publishing field which I don't. It's kind of hard to make those connections when you live in out of the way places instead of....let's say New York City where there exists a plethora of major publishing houses. Many websites for publishers do not take unsolicited manuscripts so the chances that anyone will ever read an unpublished work by an unknown author are slim to none. If I were a famous "nobody" like Paris Hilton who makes her fortune and fame by being a witless party girl, then maybe I'd have a chance...but I'm glad I'm not her or anything remotely like her. I think that would be a bleak existence.
Secondly, have you noticed how much bad material comes out of a proper publishing house? It doesn't matter if someone can write. It matters if they have the afforementioned connections or fame. If Joan Rivers can get a book published, God help us all, because she doesn't really have anything of worth to say in my opinion. So good books get overlooked daily in the quest for money--either with already established authors or celebrities. I struggled with the decision to self-publish. I thought that if I didn't have a "real" publisher, then my book was worthless. After checking in to some companies and submitting a few query letters, I decided that the process was just too lengthy for this particular book. I just wanted to be done with this book and have it out of my mind as it has taken a huge emotional toll on me. When one submits to a publisher, often that publisher does not allow multiple submissions or requires exclusive reading rights to your work. What this means is that if you send in a manuscript, you can only send it to one publisher. They may take up to six months to read your work during which time you cannot submit to any other publishing house. Then after six months, you will receive a kindly rejection letter to go along with the sinking feeling that you've wasted six months of your life. I didn't want to wait around for years and have my walls papered with rejection slips....not on this book anyway. This one just needed to be out there. It needed to be out of my hands for me but for others as well who might be going through the same type of trauma.....but, really, it was a selfish decision in the end borne of my impatience to just be able to move on.